Grand Canyon Skywalk

Nov 20, 2009 by     Comments Off on Grand Canyon Skywalk    Posted under: Cross Country

As I left Vegas I was going to drive to the Grand Canyon Skywalk. The Skywalk was completed in March, 2007 after 2.5 years and 30 million dollars worth of hard work and engineering. So you would think that they would have paved the road to this engineering marvel. They did not. It was a wash board road that shook my entire car apart. As I was driving I started to notice the other cars that were passing me. They were all new or suv’s and even the tour buses had four wheels on the rear axle. So I never made it to see and have to cut the rest of the trip short.

I was able to take a couple of photos on the drive back. I just couldn’t believe the condition of the road, this view calmed me. Would of been nice, but I think the trick to this one is flying into Vegas and renting a car for the four hour drive to this engineering marvel that doesn’t have a paved road.


About Me

I have a passion for art, music, science and math. Really anything that makes me feel something. A mild mannered developer trying to slowly change the world. Apparently, very slowly.
Page Paul